Our Family
We are a family of 5 living in Denver. Mom and Dad and three boys ages 6, 10 and 14. We started skiing as a family in 2015. Our youngest was just 3 years old. Neither Mom nor Dad grew up skiing but living in Colorado we figured we shouldn’t be wasting the opportunity to get our kids at least comfortable getting down a snow covered mountain.

Since we started, our kids have now outpaced their parents’ skiing abilities. However, we all still enjoy skiing together as a family – even if it means for the kids to pace themselves and waiting for Mom and Dad at the bottom of a run. Skiing has created so many memories for our family that we will cherish forever.


Our Style

We enjoy skiing as a family and we have fun doing it. It’s that simple. We don’t get to the slopes and everybody runs off doing their own thing. We mostly stay and ski together and we take turns picking the next run. The majority of the time we stay on Greens and Blues. On occasion the kids might slip into neighboring trees while Mom and Dad stay on the groomers. But we always take the lift back up together.

We would rather forego crowds and waiting in line for a lift for 40 minutes in exchange for fewer runs. We often bring sandwiches for lunch to avoid the overpriced slope side food. And we are in heaven if we can park close enough to a lift that none of the kids break down before even the first run.


Why This Site?

We ski upwards of 20 days per season. Skiing with a family can get expensive. There is gear (luckily, we have all boys so our little one has lots of hand me downs), lift tickets/season passes and the occasional overnight accommodations. It all ads up.

We started out with the Epic Local pass. That was great while the kids were younger and we would enjoy the free or reduced passes. With our oldest now 14 (grown out of the Epic Schoolkids Pass) and the youngest no longer free (age 5 or younger) we are now looking at what other options are out there. When our middle son received the 5th Grade Passport this season, we went on a mission to try as many ski resorts as we could to expand our horizon and find the best fitting area for our family.

We wanted to jump start this process by reading about the family friendliness of ski resorts online but most of the rankings online were dominated either by information aggregation ranking (this place gets this much snow, has this many lifts and this many runs and is therefore the best) or driven by ski-unrelated (We’ve skied by the Keystone Ice Castle dozens of times and never once went in) and often money is no object factors (we just can’t afford to stay at ski-in ski-out places every time so right away, the distance from parking lot to the lift becomes more important).

We will be sharing our experiences on this web site. Stay tuned. We hope you’ll enjoy!