This Is How It All Started For Us

Echo Mountain will always have a special place in our hearts. This is where we started skiing as a family. It was so close to Denver and avoided the I-70 death trap. We could be on the slopes in 50 minutes. The kids took their first lessons at Echo and within a couple of weekends were able to ski the whole resort with us. We still enjoy going, especially when we only have a half day to spend on the slopes. Let’s take a look at the break down.

Echo Mountain has a family friendly pricing policy. Kids up to age 15 fall under the umbrella of child day ticket. Their season pass options include 2 kids groups, the child pass (ages 6-12) and the youth pass (ages 13-17). Noteworthy is the offering of a Season Family Pass that includes 2 adults and any 2 kids under the age of 18.

  • Adults: $55
  • Kids: $36
  • Family of 5 Total: $218
  • Adults: $249
  • Children (6-12): $149
  • Youth (13-17): $189
  • Family Pass: $789
  • Family of 5 Season Pass Total: $938
  • Hamburgers: $8
  • Hot Dogs: $4
  • Ski With Your Family Lunch Total: $33
This is where Echo Mountain shines! Should you happen to get a parking spot in the last row you will still reach the slopes in about 90 seconds (estimated 300 ft). And if you want to spare the kids the torture, they will let you drop off the family and gear up front so that Dad can go park the car and is the only one doing that trek. Nobody will be tired and cranky before you’re even on the slopes!

Drop off area 30 ft from the Lodge.

Echo only has one lift. It’s a 3 seater. There is never any line and the lifties are always happy to slow down the lift for the kids. The lift has a pull down safety bar.

The beginner area has a covered magic carpet.

As you might have guessed by the parking situation, Echo is never crowded. No lines. Not many people on the slopes. Overall, it’s very laid back and relaxed skiing. And a lot of the people that do go are families.

Echo Mountain is small. There is just no talking around the fact. There are a total of 4 runs. Each of them allows you to cross over to the neighboring run at the half way point. Besides the bunny slopes, the other runs are mainly intermediate with a green track taking you down from the top to the bottom. One run includes some terrain park gimmicks. If that is too limiting for you then simply skip Echo. Our family still finds Echo very attractive. The runs they do have are fun and there is no losing track of the kids when they go off by themselves.
The Lodge
We don’t include lodges in our ratings. After all, we’re there for skiing, not hanging out. But Echo Mountain’s lodge deserves a special mention. It’s the most comfortable lodge we have come across yet. They have a nice fireplace, some sofas for lounging and a couple of TVs. Very comfortable.

The Lodge has full view of the beginner area.

Good to Know
  • The farthest you might be from a bathroom is under 5 minutes.
  • We have never smelled smelled Marijuana at the parking lot or on the mountain.
  • The food was all made to order and had the highest quality of any resort we tried.